
Hi, my name is Linda Petutschnig (formerly Menk)

I am a researcher and PhD candidate at the University of Salzburg, Department for Geoinformatics Z_GIS



Climate Change Risk and Vulnerability Assessments | GIS | Earth Observation | R Programming | Loss and Damage from Climate Change | Malaria | Humanitarian Action | Spatial data infrastructures


CDL GEOHUM | Christian Doppler Lab. for geospatial and EO-based humanitarian technologies [Christian Doppler Research Association, 2020 – 2022]

Transloss | Transformational risk management to tackle climate Loss and Damage in Austria and beyond [KLIEN, ACRP, 11th call, 2019 – 2021]

UNCHAIN | Unpacking climate impact CHAINs. A new generation of action- and user-oriented climate change risk assessments [FFG, 2019 – 2023]

CopHub.AC | CopHub.AC – Copernicus Academy Hub for Knowledge, Innovation and Outreach [EU Horizon 2020, 2018 - 2020]

Hotspots | Hotspots kumulativer Gefährdungen des Klimawandels in Salzburg / Hotspots of cumulative threats of climate change in Salzburg [Land Salzburg, 2020]

TheMetrix | Using blockchain distributed systems to deploy spatial risk indicators for supply-chain management [Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Co-operation, 2019 – 2020]

RIVA-SOS | Risk and Vulnerability Assessment to support Emercency Preparedness of SOS Children’s Villages International [SOS-CV Int., 2017 – 2018]


Menk, Linda, Schinko, Thomas, Karabaczek, Veronica, Hagen, Isabel, & Kienberger, Stefan (2022) “What’s at stake? A human well-being based proposal for assessing risk of loss and damage from climate change.” Frontiers in Climate, 232.

Menk, Linda, Terzi, Stefano, Zebisch, Marc, Rome, Erich, Lückerath, Daniel, Milde, Katharina, & Kienberger, Stefan (2022) “Climate change impact chains: a review of applications, challenges, and opportunities for climate risk and vulnerability assessments.” Weather, Climate, and Society, 14(2), 619-636.

Menk, Linda, Christian Neuwirth, and Stefan Kienberger (2020) “Mapping the Structure of Social Vulnerability Systems for Malaria in East Africa.” Sustainability 12.12, 5112.